I’m very happy to return to blogging here at PLoS after a long…pause. I talk about why after this post, which was originally…
antarctica How soon will the ‘ice apocalypse’ come?
Bayesian Place your bets: sea level rise from Antarctic ice sheet collapse
I have a few bits of happy news! The BBC’s program Climate Change by Numbers on which I was one of the…
antarctica Seeing Antarctica’s future more clearly
Are you a details person? Do you love to lose yourself in little things? To read every footnote of a book, watch…
media Climate Change By Numbers
Happy New Year (er…)! Sorry for the total lack of posts since September – I’ve been busy settling into my new lectureship…
boxquote How to love uncertainty in climate science
This is the script of my TEDxCERN talk, a 12-13 minute talk I did from memory. When the video is put online…
aboutme Open to positive feedback
I’m extremely happy to say that on the 1st October I’ll be taking up a lectureship at the Open University! I’ll be…
boxquote Whether environmental modellers are wrong
[This is a comment invited by Issues in Science and Technology as a reply to the article “When All Models Are Wrong” in their Winter…
blogging Pause for thought
Ed Hawkins, Doug McNeall and I have just had a commentary published called Pause for Thought. It’s part of a Nature Focus…
events Nine Lessons and Carols in Communicating Climate Uncertainty
About a month ago I was invited to represent the Cabot Institute at the All Parliamentary Party Climate Change Group (APPCCG) meeting…
ice2sea No need to worry about Greenland’s waterslides
We’ve had a new study published about the slippery slopes of Greenland. If we’re right they’re not as slippery – and therefore…
policy Climate scientists must not advocate particular policies
This is an invited contribution to the Guardian Political Science blog. As a climate scientist, I’m under pressure to be a political…
climatemodels Debrief from Cheltenham
I’m at home, groggy but happy after our Cheltenham Science Festival event yesterday, “Can we trust climate models?”. It was exhausting, fun, exciting…