GRETA, says the text, and two hands grip the pigtails behind the girl’s naked body. What clearer threat to girls and…
aboutme Half the world’s future
aboutme The future will be both better and worse than we imagine
In July, I gave the most emotional talk I’ve ever given, and the one of which I’m most proud, based on…
aboutme Extinction, empathy, endings, beginnings
Well, this tweet didn’t age well… A year later, I have 15,000 followers, while they have nearly a quarter of a…
media Climate Change By Numbers
Happy New Year (er…)! Sorry for the total lack of posts since September – I’ve been busy settling into my new lectureship…
blogging Pause for thought
Ed Hawkins, Doug McNeall and I have just had a commentary published called Pause for Thought. It’s part of a Nature Focus…
events Nine Lessons and Carols in Communicating Climate Uncertainty
About a month ago I was invited to represent the Cabot Institute at the All Parliamentary Party Climate Change Group (APPCCG) meeting…
climatemodels Debrief from Cheltenham
I’m at home, groggy but happy after our Cheltenham Science Festival event yesterday, “Can we trust climate models?”. It was exhausting, fun, exciting…
decisionmaking Can we trust climate models?
I’m a climate modeller. Why would I invite a climate sceptic to the Cheltenham Science Festival to have a public discussion called…