“What’s COP?”, asked my friend last week. It’s a bit unfair of me to quote him: he lives abroad, where media coverage…
aboutme What is success? COP26 and beyond
aboutme Burned out, but still burning
You’re tired. You’re burned out. You don’t know how you keep getting up in the morning, keep switching on the news, keep…
aboutme Searching for green shoots
In an instant, my life is no longer under my control. I become a little institutionalised at home, reluctant to leave…
aboutme Half the world’s future
GRETA, says the text, and two hands grip the pigtails behind the girl’s naked body. What clearer threat to girls and…
aboutme The future will be both better and worse than we imagine
In July, I gave the most emotional talk I’ve ever given, and the one of which I’m most proud, based on…
antarctica Too early to say whether the white cliffs of Antarctica are unstable
“Antarctica meltdown could double sea level rise”, went the headlines in 2016, “runaway melting” predicted by “alarming science”. They were reporting a…
boxquote Whether environmental modellers are wrong
[This is a comment invited by Issues in Science and Technology as a reply to the article “When All Models Are Wrong” in their Winter…
policy Climate scientists must not advocate particular policies
This is an invited contribution to the Guardian Political Science blog. As a climate scientist, I’m under pressure to be a political…