I have a few bits of happy news! The BBC’s program Climate Change by Numbers on which I was one of the…
Bayesian Place your bets: sea level rise from Antarctic ice sheet collapse
antarctica Seeing Antarctica’s future more clearly
Are you a details person? Do you love to lose yourself in little things? To read every footnote of a book, watch…
boxquote How to love uncertainty in climate science
This is the script of my TEDxCERN talk, a 12-13 minute talk I did from memory. When the video is put online…
aboutme Open to positive feedback
I’m extremely happy to say that on the 1st October I’ll be taking up a lectureship at the Open University! I’ll be…
ice2sea No need to worry about Greenland’s waterslides
We’ve had a new study published about the slippery slopes of Greenland. If we’re right they’re not as slippery – and therefore…
climatemodels Debrief from Cheltenham
I’m at home, groggy but happy after our Cheltenham Science Festival event yesterday, “Can we trust climate models?”. It was exhausting, fun, exciting…
ice2sea From Ice to High Seas
My project ice2sea is currently in the news. For example, the BBC: ‘Best estimate’ for impact of melting ice on sea level rise. Ice2sea…