This is a good news, bad news story. I’ve been thinking about this theme a lot recently. So much of our…
antarctica Polar Thinking
antarctica Too early to say whether the white cliffs of Antarctica are unstable
“Antarctica meltdown could double sea level rise”, went the headlines in 2016, “runaway melting” predicted by “alarming science”. They were reporting a…
aboutme Open to positive feedback
I’m extremely happy to say that on the 1st October I’ll be taking up a lectureship at the Open University! I’ll be…
boxquote Whether environmental modellers are wrong
[This is a comment invited by Issues in Science and Technology as a reply to the article “When All Models Are Wrong” in their Winter…
ice2sea No need to worry about Greenland’s waterslides
We’ve had a new study published about the slippery slopes of Greenland. If we’re right they’re not as slippery – and therefore…
boxquote Tuning to the climate signal
This is part 3 of a series of introductory posts about the principles of climate modelling. Others in the series: 1 | 2 My…